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Trumio in Action: Exploring Real-World Use Cases

Delve into our use cases to witness how Trumio has empowered students, experts, alumni, and clubs to collaborate on real-life projects and drive global industry transformation.

Discover the groundbreaking impact of our platform on research methodologies, prototype development, financial analysis and marketing strategy execution

Gain insight directly from our clients as they share how Trumio has enabled them to tackle tangible challenges across the Technology, Finance, Marketing and Science & Engineering sectors

Student Only Team Expert Guided Team Trumio Led Team
Type of Project Primed for proof of concept, research, and prototyping projects. Ready for taking proof of concepts to production pilots and market testing. Suitable for complex, production ready outcomes.
Cost Level Lowest cost and client managed. Expert managed with proportional cost uplift. Trumio managed with attractive ROI compared to alternatives.
Agreements Contract signed with each individual team member. NDA signed by each team member. Contract signed with each individual team member. NDA signed by each team member. Contract signed and owned by Trumio. Individual team members will be supporting signatories. NDA signed by Trumio and each team member.
Fees Standard platform fee. Standard platform fee. Custom platform fee based on project complexity and deliverables.