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Trumio is Growing Up!

AI-powered marketplace and Virtual workbench

Back in Dec 2022, Trumio’s first wireframes came to life after months of brainstorming and validation of our initial thesis with friends, collaborators, potential investors, industry experts, and more. Our passion was to create the next generation platform for an equitable future of work. The current workplace structure was already under active disruption by generational shifts and technological megatrends and we sensed a new future forming. Almost to the beat, ChatGPT and its peers catapulted Gen-AI into the mainstream and made that future feel instantly closer, yet quite uncertain.

Exactly a year ago, after scores of customer and student validations of our fully executed designs, we put finger to code. And last month in May 2024, Trumio went live after a hugely successful and educational private beta. We worked hard, collaborated with clients, mentored students and teams to deliver on project outcomes, built partnerships, and learnt a lot. Today we are pleased to showcase many aspects of that journey with our updated website that announces Trumio’s AI-powered marketplace and workbench platform. It also ushers in the University ecosystem as the steppingstone into the new future of work.

Our gratitude goes out to all the stakeholders who supported us, questioned us, believed in us, clients who gave us projects, university teams that took on the challenge to deliver on them, designers and developers that worked on the platform, the founding team and angel investors who opened up their checkbooks – to bring Trumio to where it is today. Through their shared experiences and case studies, you will see a rich vein of potential of what the emerging workforce, powered by AI, is able to accomplish. In short, remarkable outcomes at a fraction of the cost, fueled by their cutting edge skills, creativity, and passion to learn and solve.

We also learnt that experts whether currently active in the industry, or retired but looking for new challenges, as well as faculty at educational institutions can play a huge role in shaping that future. They will be the mentors, leaders, and innovators working with young minds and sometimes on their own. Trumio fully intends to bring the world of opportunities to them in a performing, fulfilling, and business impactful way.

Lastly, we validated that the Alumni and University bonds are as strong as they come. The hundreds of Alumni we spoke to and the many rounds of discussions with top academic leadership at Universities – made it apparent that more can be done to bring them closer for mutual value exchange.

In closing, we welcome you to the new Trumio website! We hope you will find a slice of the universe you care for, the goals that you want to achieve in your personal and professional fields resonate in the stories and capabilities expressed here. We will keep adding to it as we go along and look forward to your joining us on this journey to a new future of work!

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