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Ideas Waiting on Bandwidth or Budget? Try Trumio Instead!

Are you a business, product or technology leader who has new ideas and initiatives that can make a difference? Yet, you cannot explore them right now, because internal team bandwidth is not available beyond immediate priorities. And there is no allocated budget for an external partner driven project. Both are expensive endeavors taking into account the high cost of resources.
Enter Trumio with University teams with vetted credentials and skills, who are ready to make an impact.

Attention Product Leaders: Business and Technology

Can AI accelerate software development, reduce errors, and improve quality?
This is the question we put to a group of students from IIT Kharagpur. Sounds counterintuitive to begin with – especially asking students who have not yet experienced a real-world work environment. But as we brainstormed as a team, we reached some amazing answers. We broke down the software development lifecycle steps and investigated each aspect. Each student picked up different areas for research and then brought them back to the team for discussion.
Here is one idea of many that the team executed on. We will speak to the others as we progress.

Clear Requirements is the First Step to Quality

Requirements is the first pillar of communication between a product team and the engineering organization, especially when working with remote teams. Generating requirements takes understanding of customer needs, balanced prioritization, and addressing a host of critical questions around business and technology choices. While context and understanding are use case and product specific, a lot of the information in a good feature requirements document can be derived from best practices. One of the team members researched how a contextualized LLM coupled with LangChain for secure internal data incorporation, can supercharge this process and generate clear requirements for Trumio teams.
A short six weeks later we had a prototype for the base feature and it was off to the races on getting incorporated into our product backlog.

Are all you Product Leaders Listening?

No more having to wait on ideas, especially those that are adjacent or around your core product and needed for its success.
For example,
How much does it cost for any of the above? Probably something that you can swipe on a business credit card as a Trumio research project. And gain the satisfaction of providing students from your Alma Mater or beyond a slice of real-world experience.

Start today by emailing us at! Coming soon to the browser in front of you.